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HomeLegislative SB 908 Update

California Senate Bill

SB-908 Debt Collection Licensing Act - Another Win


Many thanks to each of you who sent emails to California State Assembly Members regarding SB 908.

Teamwork does make a difference, and CALI has the best team around! We were successful but not in a traditional way and not in the way we expected.

We were not able to get clarifying language to distinguish between a collection and the activities an investigator performs, such as locates, surveillance, and others, on behalf of a person or entity who is collecting a debt from a consumer.

What we did achieve is a procedure in the state legislature called a letter to the DAILY JOURNAL. It is rarely used, but it clarifies the intent of the bill and protects the interests of private investigators. It was not easy, but with the efforts of Assembly Member Jesse Gabriel, who, on behalf of his constituent, newly elected Chairman of the Board and CALI past president, Jay Rosenzweig, convinced Senator Bob Wieckowski to submit the Letter to the Senate Daily Journal on our behalf.

This is a great illustration of a relationship that each of us can develop with our elected officials.

Thanks to each of you 110 members, as without your efforts, we would have lacked the mounting legislative concern that allowed Assembly Member Gabriel to be effective.

Of course, as always, a huge thank you to Jerry Desmond and Anne Schillig, our wonderful lobbying team who stayed on top of it every step of the way. They sent letters to every single Assembly person on our behalf, not once but twice and the most recent on Sunday. They also monitored the hearing all day Sunday till it adjourned late Sunday night as well as Monday. Jerry and Anne – you guys rock!

The final list of CALI member contacts is listed below. Both houses accepted the Letter without objection, and it will be part of the legislative record on SB 908. The bill has proceeded to Governor Newsome for his signature before the September 30 deadline.



A little more about the Letter to the Daily Journal. . .

A Letter that is published in the Assembly or Senate Daily Journal is a little-used method to clarify the legislative intent of a bill’s author to explain either the ambiguity in a bill or the purpose of the changes the bill made in the law. It is a formal action. It must be a signed letter on the legislator’s letterhead. The custom is to have the respective leadership in both houses review the contents of the Letter and determine if there are any objections. If both houses approve, then the legislator can request the Letter be printed in the Daily Journal with a roll call vote of the house. The California Courts utilize these letters as aids to determine legislative intent.


CALI Member

Agosti, Carlos
Alexander, Randall
Alvarez, Fernando
Atkinson, Paul
August, Brandon
Barfield, Amenoel
Barna, Keith
Barnes, Richard
Beresford, Robert
Bortnick, Bob
Bradley Nick
Brady, Mathhew
Brown, Clarick
Brummond, Gary
Burr, Barbara
Cantrel, Jason
Cardoza, Allen
Cavalieri, Cary
Champion, Dana
Chance, Dwight
Cochran, Chuck
Copas, Bryan
Corcoran, Evan
Cory, Kelly
Courtney, Terry
Crooks, Rick
Dellamarie, Barbara
Ditty, Sean
Doemer, Amy
Ermoian, Gary
Eskander, Nadim
Farahmand, Erik
Fernandez, Michael
Fields, Anne
Flores, Esther
Flores, Phil
Fredricks, Susan
Frye, Jason
Gagliano, John
Garza, Ken
Garza, Marc
Glucroft, Rob
Gustafson, Sean
Harrison, Dusty
Hart, Cliff
Holmes, Brian
Hopkins, Anthony
Hopkins, Anthony
Huntington III, Frank
Johnson, Michael
Jones, Jerimiah
King, Dawn
Klier, Molly
Koehler, Francie
Krevit, Steve
Kroot, Tracey
Lewis, Becky
Lewis, Don
Luper, Pamela
Mann, Robert
Manzanares, Rick
Martin, V.
McClain, Ed
McClain, Mark
McGarraugh, Michele
Miller, Mitchell
Moore, Bea
Nagle, Bob
Nixon, Tom
Nobriga, John
Ontiveros, Randy
Palma, Sylvia
Paloma, Richard
Paulino, Jay
Perrin, Anthony
Price, Robert
Quihuis, Ed
Radus, Bob
Ragan, Chad
Reitz, Ron
Reynolds, Chris
Rice, Robert
Rivera, Roberto
Romero, Ernest
Rosenzweig, Jay
Rowland, Mitch
Samra, Harry
Sanderson, Robert
Shigut, Ken
Smothers, Ray
Stearman, Jeff
Thomas, Wen-Chi
Tyndall, Tawni
Wallace, Dave
Walsh, Sean
Walsh, Sean
Walshin, Linda
Washington, Mason
Wells, Jeff
Whitney, Kelly
Whitney, Scott
Williams, Dave
Wilson, Thomas
Wolfe, Lee
Woolford, Barbara
Wynn, Steve
Zemaitis, Edward
Zimmer, Jim
Zisner, Jeff

Assembly Member

Gabriel, Jesse
Calderon, Ian
Bloom, Richard
Quirk-Silva, Sharon
Frazier, Jim
Gray, Adam
Low, Evan
Arambula, Joaquin
Frazier, Jim
Stone, Mark
Gloria, Todd
Diep, Tyle
Wicks, Buffy
Quirk-Silva, Sharon
Aguilar-Curry, Cecilia
Gallagher, James
Diep, Tyler
Chau, Ed
Carrillo, Wendy
Bloom, Richard
Gonzales, Lorena
Rivas, Robert
Brough, William
Holden, Chris
Bonta, Rob
Horvath, Tasha Boerner
Cooper, Jim
Dahle, Megan
Stern, Henry
Gray, Adam
Chau, Ed
Kiley, Kevin
Quirk-Silva, Sharon
Low, Evan
Bauer-Kahan, Rebecca
Bauer-Kahan, Rebecca
Chen, Phillip
Unknown Assembly Member
Jones, Brian
Mathis, Devon
Weber, Shirley
Unknown Assembly Member
Kiley, Kevin
McCarty, Kevin
Wood, Jim
Carrillo, Wendy
Aguiar-Curry, Cecelia
Levine, Marc
Cooley, Ken
Mullin, Kevin
Unknown Assembly Member
Aguiar-Curry, Cecelia
Bigelow, Frank
Bonta, Rob
Levine, Marc
Low, Evan
Reyes, Eloise
Reyes, Eloise
Unknown Assembly Member
Irwin, Jacqui
Cooley, Ken
Bloom, Richard
Garcia, Eduardo
Rubio, Blanca
Bonta, Rob
Mathis, Devon
Kiley, Kevin
Choi, Stephen
Stone, Mark
Muratsuchi, Al
Eggman, Susan
Wicks, Buffy
Bauer-Kahn, Rebecca
Eggman, Susan
Gloria, Todd
Maienschein, Brian
Waldron, Marie
Vopel, Randy
Petrie-Norris, Cottie
Irwin, Jacqui
Gloria, Todd
Garcia, Eduardo
Calderon, Ian
Chu, Kansen
Cunningham, Jordan
Gabriel, Jesse
Fong, Vince
Quirk, Bill
Holden, Chris
Smith, Christy
Cooley, Ken
Diep, Tyler
Low, Evan
Unknown Assembly Member
Flora, Heath
Huffman, Jared
Levine, Marc
Grayson, Timothy
Unknown Assembly Member
Gallagher, James
Wicks, Buffy
Wicks, Buffy
Diep, Tyler
Kiley, Kevin
Dahle, Megan
Allen, Ben
Choi, Stephen
Cunningham, Jordan
Brough, William
Nazarian, Adrian

On behalf of the Government Affairs Committee, our sincere appreciation goes out to all of those who fought for this success.

Bill Text as Signed Into Law on September 25, 2020

SB-908 Letter to Senator Wiekowski 8-14-2020

Legislative Updates provided by

Jerry Desmond, Jr.
Legislative Advocate
Francie Koehler
Government Affairs Chair